we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming…

[I originally posted this entry as a public post for my Patreon patrons on 19 July 2021].

Hi folks,

I’m down, but not out.

However, there will be a hiatus in posts for a little while.

Despite feeling mostly normal, the wobbles are more frequent and more intense, and doctor’s orders are to literally do nothing but chill in front of the TV and do lung physio and sleep.

Even sitting at my desk for short periods to do small administrative tasks, edit photos, or share images and write posts sends me into a headspin (literally) after about 30-90 minutes.

Subsequently, this is my first Patreon post from the app on my phone. Apologies for any typos or grammatical boo-boos.

I now have a pulse oximeter to keep a regular eye on my oxygen levels. And, for once, I’m obeying doctors orders, though there has been more messaging and phone calls than TV so far today.

I hope you’re all keeping well and safe, and I’ll be back sharing the beauty of the world around me with you once more as soon as I can xx